
accounting computer中文什么意思

发音:   用"accounting computer"造句
  • 会计电脑
  • 会计电子计算机
  • 会计计算机
  • 帐表专用计算机
关注微信公众号:chachacidian,回复:accounting computer,即可在微信中查询翻译


  1. How to initialize accounting computer system
  2. Indicates a sid that matches the account computer group
    指示一个与account computer组匹配的sid 。
  3. Unsafe factors of accounting computer information system in net - work environment and its countermeasures
  4. The characteristics of computer crimes in the first part of the second chapter , account external and internal scholar theory about types of computer crime , gives a angle of author that new types of computer crime in the next part , with author ' s mean of computer crime types introduces some case of computer crime happen on the external and internal account computer crime have be very had for the social in the first part of the third chapter , introduces some weakness of computer system , in the next part introduce the crime way that handling weakness of computer



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  6. accounting computerization 什么意思
  7. accounting concept 什么意思
  8. accounting concepts 什么意思
  9. accounting concepts and principles 什么意思
  10. accounting concern foreign affairs 什么意思


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